Sunday, October 16, 2016

"Two Kinds'

1. Yes, parents do pressure their children to achieve. One may think this is true because the parents only want what is best for the child. If pressuring the child and constantly being on them is the only way then so be it.

2. Some conflicts that parents have with children are different point of views. The parent may feel as if their way is the only and correct way.

3. Yes, anyone can be anything they want to be. If one puts their mind to something and works hard their goal can be obtained.

4. Not all conflicts have a winner. Every conflict does not end in favor of either side; Compromises will often be put into play to satisfy each side.

5. My relationship with my parent is very different from that of a Chinese child. I am not forced into an occupation; I have a choice on what I would like to be in life. My parent and I have more of a permissive relationship. A Chinese child on the other hand has more of an authoritative relationship with their parents. Either its their parents way or no way.

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