Thursday, November 17, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 7

1. Why do you believe that Kien saw so vividly ?
2. Why do you believe writing seemed to make Kien feel better ?
3. On page 85, Kien states that he misses Phuong even after she had another man in her home and it caused much hurt. Why do you believe he still misses her ?
4. On page 86, Kien became bewildered,confused, deeply troubled, and began to pace around the room and memories flared up again and again. What do you believe was his reasoning for staggering over to his desk to write ?
5. On page 90, There is a quote that states," There is no terrible hall in death," What do you think the author meant by this ?
6. What did Quong beg Kien to do ?
7. Describe the room Kien was writing in.
8. What does the author mean when he says "Razor's Edge" ?
9. Why does Phuong describe herself as a Dark Chapter of Kien's life?
10. What does Kien mean when he says everything seemed to change ? Pg. 87

Sunday, October 16, 2016

"Two Kinds'

1. Yes, parents do pressure their children to achieve. One may think this is true because the parents only want what is best for the child. If pressuring the child and constantly being on them is the only way then so be it.

2. Some conflicts that parents have with children are different point of views. The parent may feel as if their way is the only and correct way.

3. Yes, anyone can be anything they want to be. If one puts their mind to something and works hard their goal can be obtained.

4. Not all conflicts have a winner. Every conflict does not end in favor of either side; Compromises will often be put into play to satisfy each side.

5. My relationship with my parent is very different from that of a Chinese child. I am not forced into an occupation; I have a choice on what I would like to be in life. My parent and I have more of a permissive relationship. A Chinese child on the other hand has more of an authoritative relationship with their parents. Either its their parents way or no way.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 3: "Tween Years"

            This article was about the Agua Dulce trail in Agua Dulce, California. In 1998, their committee welcomed the PCTA for the major trail project. at this time they were under the administration of Dr. Ben York. They received many grants from several groups. Amounts received were of great quantity. 1 of the many things I found interesting was that in the late 2000s Agua Dulce received a $50,000 grant that recognized their achievements in the area of trail protection. An interesting fact I found was that in 1993, Dr. Ben York took over the mantle of leadership of the Agua Dulce soon to pass down years later.

What is so special about the Agua Dulce? What are real reasons people hike long trails with intense measures?

This article can be read at:

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 2

The areas in my writing I feel need the most improvement are my use of mechanics. This is both capitalization and punctuation. From time to time I tend to place punctuation marks where they do not belong. I plan on seeking the extra help needed to understand the placement of punctuation marks. I will first try to get an understanding while it is being taught. If this does not work I will further help such as after school tutoring. As a result of going to tutoring I should have a better understanding of the mechanics of grammar. I felt as if the best parts of my writing was the overall flow and in depth details. My paper made points that were very imperative steps in obtaining a job.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Hey ! I'm Isaiah D. Jones I'm 16 years old and I attend B.C Rain High. I was raised in Mobile, Alabama by a single mother because my father died before I was born. My favorite colors are lime green and ice blue. On my spare time I enjoy dancing and working. The style of dance I do is called J-Setting/Majorette. I am employed at McClain Sonic's where I am a carhop. When I am not in school, work, or dancing I enjoy watching Science Fiction movies. In this 2016-2017 school year I plan on working on my attitude and bettering my study habits. If could meet these expectations/ goals I have set for myself I think this would be a great school year for me. I look forward to bettering myself this year and encouraging my friends to do the same.